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Menjer lake is one of the favorite tourist attraction in Wonosobo. Menjer lake is located in Menjer village, Garung district, Wonosobo district, Central Java. Location Menjer lake as far as 12 km from Wonosobo city. The location of Menjer lake from Wonosobo is closer to the Dieng Plateau. The position of Menjer Lake is at the foot of the mountains or Dieng Plateau. Menjer Lake is located at an altitude of 1300 mdpl with an area of about 70 ha and a depth of 45 m. Being at a fairly high altitude, the temperatures at Menjer lake are quite cool with an average of 22-27 ° C.

Many of the tourists go straight to the Dieng Plateau without stopping at this lake when the same path.The journey to Menjer lake Wonosobo through the narrow and uphill streets. Visitors of Menjer lake visitors will pass through Garung hydropower area while in the middle of the journey to Menjer lake. The atmosphere around the tourism area Menjer lake looks lonely and cool seen the activities of local people who are doing daily activities such as farming and looking for branches of wood. The scenery of Menjer Lake is not visible from the edge of the road as it is located behind a small hill surrounding the lake.

The price to pay to enjoy the view of the Menjer lake not expensive, only :
Entrance Ticket: Rp 3.000, -
Parking Motor: Rp 2.000, -
Car Parking: Rp 5.000, -


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