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Hizbul Wathan Scouting Movement

Hizbul Wathan is a Muhammadiyah organization engaged in scouting. Hizbul Wathan was first established by K.H. Ahmad Dahlan in 1912. Because it is engaged in scouting, almost all schools or muhammadiyah universities have this organization.

Not different from other muhammadiyah universities, Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo also has HW organization which we know with KAFILAH FAQIH USMAN. This Kafilah stands for a long time but popular only in the last three years. Since many who are familiar with this organization strengthen their membership structure. Until now has reached the third generation. With approximately 70 members. This year HW Kafilah Faqih Usman is cultivated by Putri Nugraheni, a sixth semester student majoring in Physics.

The requirement to enter into a kafilah member is not difficult, as there are no specific criteria. It's just that in HW the task is trustful. So it is expected that HW members are a trustee.

One of the programs of HW Kafilah Faqih Usman is sharing science scouting or religious with fellow. Namely by becoming a mentor HW in various schools Muhammadiyah. Other than that the Kafilah Faqih Usman also has a regular training agenda together to hone skills and knowledge possessed.

For members who are considered capable of being a mentor then will be sent directly to school to teach and share knowledge about scouting Hizbul Wathan. It becomes one of the advantages for students especially for education majors.


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